Online Community Management

Speak directly to your Online community

  • A mission, is an achievable outcome statement, that sums up the change you wish for your community to create in the world.

    To have an effective community, you have to gather deep insights, research, and perspectives through a collaborative process.

    Ideally, your community will start with a vision and mission in mind

    Community managers are often asked if they should explore tactics like contests, meetups, and influencer strategies inside their communities.

    Tactically or operationally ask:

    1) Does it serve your community’s mission?

    2) Will the tactic help you to create the vision of the world that your community is working toward?

    If the answer is yes, go forth.

    If it’s no, you’ve just saved yourself a lot of time.

    If you don’t have a vision and mission, all your work will be random at best and ineffective at worst.

  • Having great exposure to online communities, has been shown to increase uptake and acceptance.

    To manage a connection with your audience, takes experience, people skills and timing. Time in the Space, skin the Game

  • Images speak louder then words and communities bond and polarise brands, propelling them to the next level.

    Built around a brand, the community provides a space for members to engage with each other about the brand, share ideas and ask questions. I would argue that all businesses need a community

    Have all three: direct branded community, leading to customer engagement and brand loyalty through encouraging community participation.

  • Through the direct audience and community membership, your project can gleam ‘live’ information

    Sentiment- whether positive or indeed negative, the community is a direct feedback loop for your project.

    There is no denying that quick reactions can save the day- what can be quicker then your customers reporting their thoughts directly on your banded group.

    Direct information to linked media -Twitter, articles, press releases- even live streaming

    New and improved products can be showcased to your audience, without clunky marketing wheels

  • We will be responsible for, and responsive to, your brand and project

    We will never compromise your project or your brand

    We will be discrete and consistent

    You can ask us anything! We will try to find a workable answer or signpost alternatives for you to consider

    We aim to give to an objective approach and options without ‘pushing an agenda’ - you have control and we will work with you through alternative presentations

  • We look after our Team, so our Team can look after you and your community.

    Our staff are fully trained and supported

    Our team have systems and processes in place, so that they are always ready to deal with and respond to tasks

    We have a close relationship and strong communication within our Team- we are integral and never leave our moderators without the support they deserve. Management from top to bottom

  • System for moderating based on experience and legislation from AUS framework.

    Adapted from the Australian Community Managers Association - one of the Worlds most comprehensive and detailed organisation for community management.

    We follow the legislation and exacting standards which set exemplar for all practices in community management and are a benchmark for good practice.

    Fully compliant moderators and community manafement


 Let’s build your community for your project today


Leading the field, Crypto Community Crue are social platforms and communication facilities services specialists.