Our Team


Understand your needs , manage your marketing content & engagement & manage your growth

  • High-quality staff

    Moderators and Community Managers will ensure community standards are maintained

    Timely and effective moderation and support 24/7

    Professional, trained team will support, engage, inform, help and guidance for your community.

  • Throughout we will be adaptable and review processes.

    We will present analytic, demographic and KPI information to your company to target resources and to successfully integrate campaigns in to future goals.

    Named account handler

  • Positive and robust communications across media networks are key.

    News releases, briefing, alerts timings are managed seamlessly and effectively. Banner, post, link design and integration with marketing team

    Educate users on bots and scam interactions and remove offending parties

  • Moderation is a difficult but fulfilling role as key influencers for the community in the long-term, you will set the standards for the types of behaviours that are acceptable within the community. Not everyone is suited for this type of role.

    Moderators are the interface of the project and have an important task in the projection to the wider audience. As such, they shoulder the responsibility of maintaining rapport with the community, informing, engaging and entertaining, modelling good behaviour.

    Moderators have the ability to help shape the community that they care about. They're put in a position where they feel valued and can contribute to making the community a better place for everyone.

    As a Moderator you should have excellent judgment and social intuition, genuinely care about the community and want to make it a better place. Good written skills, sense of fun and humour are imperative as you will need to be an active communicator.

    Moderating is frequently a thankless task, sadly it's also not uncommon for moderators to be verbally attacked or insulted by community trolls, FUD’sters on disingenuous/disillusioned individuals.

    A Moderator should work as part of a large team of project leaders, moderators, a community manager and marketing. it can be overwhelming and should not be a solo operator and needs support and media from the wider Team to be effective in the task.

    1) Active members of the community?

    2) Understand the rules and appropriate behaviour on a personal level?

    3) Bringing value to the forums?

    4) make people laugh, help people out and make people feel welcome?

    5) Demonstrated a separation from the various cliques and feuds that inevitably erupt in any community?

    6) Work well as part of your existing team?

  • We have a training area which we will coach and support Moderators for communities

    1) Using Bots successfully

    2) Rules, posts and more

    3) Knowing your audience

    4)Understanding the company’s vision, strategy and delivering information

    4) Community growth and engagement

    5) Developing a rapport with members

    6) Conflict and tactful argument resolution

    7) Media feeds, cross posting- working with the marketing team and preparedness.

    8)Skilfully controlling the narrative

    9)That one member that causes trouble/ how to stop them getting under your skin & in a controlling position

    10) Metrics and feedback

    .... want more on Getting creative, how to stay on top of your game and earn more ?

  • https://t.me/+S02iVbe5cNwyMmVk


 Let’s build your community for your project today


Leading the field, Crypto Community Crue are social platforms and communication facilities services specialist.