Frequently Asked Questions


Manage your marketing content & engagement, Understand your needs , Expand your potential & manage your community growth

  • We will be able to help you through the process, with our team of trained moderators- if you have groups already we can work along side your existing crew, or can free up duties for your team if they are covering the chat channels. We will work with your existing branding, media and marketing- or if you prefer we have partnerships which will provide these services.

    If you wish you can continue to post on your community -which we encourage. Alternatively step back and we will seamlessly run the show for you releasing your valuable time to concentrate on the project.

  • The community cohesion is in the optimal state with engaged, like minded people-united behind a project. The group will will be positive and lift the project. Effective moderation with on-topic discussion and entertaining, relevant material mixture of medium - pictorial, banner posts, information, cross platform posting and chat all add value to the community and engage the members. Rules help to enforce a tone and moderators facilitate the ambiance and maintain buoyant conversation. Bots also aid in pre-programmed responses for FAQ and also filtering out spam, and drawing attention of insidious or malicious chat to a moderator for review

  • If all the optimal setting for the group have been actions and you feel there is still not enough engagement or take up we can offer special packages to help. We will be able to review and may recommend a number of tactics- for example a KOL (Key Opinion Leader) or Airdrop which can boost non-organic engagement via a Shill. We can provide paid chat where we have a team of up to 30 members which join the community and will be able to converse and lift the conversation. Alternatively we have surveys, games and polls which we will run to help.

  • In Crypto the markets are volatile- fact! We react rapidly to keep our members informed and work hard to maintain a positive sentiment. When the market is strong we would expect to see a rapid increase in engagement numbers- with increasing questions and appropriate responses needed and we are fully equipped to react. Similarly any planned engagement or media exposure opportunities will inevitability drive members to the community where we will be ready to meet their needs.

    Whatever the mood of the market or the stage of the project we will monitor and provide comprehensive feedback in regular review meeting with analytics and troubleshooting.

  • Which groups you want to use are up to you- we can look at your project type an will be able to advise. Most projects in crypto have both- with Gamers preferring Discord whilst Investors looking to a community in Telegram. The chats and moderation look and feel different as ultimately the audience is distinct to platform. You may find that you want a single platform and that’s fine. We can always add others later in the project roadmap.

  • You can decide to leave all the community interactions to our trained moderators and community manager who will be able to feedback information to you in regular reviews

    Alternatively if you prefer to be active in your community chat the community members often warm to see their leaders vision and interaction in the community conversations


 Let’s build your community for your project today


Leading the field, Crypto Community Crue are social platforms and communication facilities services specialist.