Code of Ethics

Adapted from the Australian Community Managers Association - one of the Worlds most comprehensive and detailed organisation for community management. Following the legislation and exacting standards which set exemplar for all practices in community management and are a benchmark for good practice.

Fair and honest interaction with community members, the public, employers, clients, colleagues, public officials and the media.

Avoid conduct or practices likely to discredit themselves, their employers or client, colleagues and community members.

Avoid publishing or encouraging content or activity that are or could be discriminatory in any way- including gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, age, sexual orientation, family relationships, religious belief, or disability.

Never use divisive or manipulative techniques (such as gender, racial or generational baiting) to drive 'engagement'.

Ensure respectful conduct within their communities. This includes the creation of relevant governance for members in producing a healthy culture.

Community Managers and moderators should report any forms of abuse to relevant parties, whether directed at them or others, and encourage members to likewise report incident.

Build a culture of inclusion. Ensure their communities and content therein are accessible for all members, participants and potential participants .

Remain up to date with relevant legislation in their regions of practice and community locations and comply with these at all times.

Adhere to rules and terms on the platforms on which they operate.

Build a culture of attribution and recognition.

Seek permission to re-post content from other sources, and correctly attribute all copyrighted content to the original owner or licensee.

Disclose any personal conflicts of interest, and not permit payments, gifts or benefits that undermine the accuracy or fairness of their interactions with employers, their communities and the general public.

Responsibly manage risk and harms for participants and stakeholders, which includes creation and implementation of actionable moderation and risk management practices for areas such as hate speech, harassment, defamation and private information.

Do not knowingly disseminate false or misleading information, and address errors and issue corrections as soon as is practicable.

Work to minimise and mitigate disinformation within their communities.

Code Of Ethics — Australian Community Managers


Word from a Moderator