Word from a Moderator

I was interested in crypto but had no background in the space. My friend showed me how to set up a wallet on Metamask and I started my journey in to the Metaverse. I was soon hooked and researching projects and getting involved in the momentum! The space is very exciting and I was both filled with adrenalin and fear at the same time. I made mistakes along the way and a few wins whilst i learnt my new skills. Either way i was absorbed- immersed- living on the other side.

I found areas which I was particularly interested in and my eyes sparkled. Mostly I looked at all the media for information- and I soon found that the community was the place where things happened, where to ask questions and find out things. So I checked in everyday- in a short time I found I was on the groups all day and I helped others which were new on the project. I liked to help and I liked being in the groups and talking to the moderators and Team. It was always cool when the main team talked to the members- everyone listened- and a few times I talked to the creators myself. It felt great and I found I had a family which were all infectiously hype about the project and all the things I came here for.

I soon had a name on the community and everyone greeted me and looked for my posts. I talked to the moderators and made friends. I was comfortable and enjoyed being there. Somehow I was spotted and as I had talked on the community and made others smile with my helpful way I asked if I would like to be a moderator. I was very taken aback and did not think I could do such a great job but I was told that I was already very knowledgeable on the Roadmap, Whitepaper and all the project details and I realised that was true!

I started by watching how my favourite moderator interacted with the community and I learned to make banners and posts- I was trained and supported by the moderator team and my Community Manager- there was always someone to ask for help and I really felt I belonged. I have now been doing the job for 6 months and to think I had no idea about the job when I start in the crypto world!

I don’t think it is easy and it can be long hours- and I get tired. I don’t enjoy the hecklers and some of the community are not friendly but many more are really happy to interact with me and are kind and listen to what I am saying. I still have things to learn but I have much better skills and language then when i started and I have confidence in myself and most of all I’m in a job with a project I love and a community which is like a family.

I love Crypto- I love moderating for the community- I love the project and the Team - I love LIFE !


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